Development and upgrading of the Community Economy

Aufigroup’s mission is to anticipate future trends, reimagine the industry & living space to deliver innovative and excellent products/services on time with the islamic point of view and share an interest in building and developing communities—socially, economically, and environmentally.

Aufigroup members represent a wide array of specializations: education, health care, social services, government, utilities, economic development, citizen groups, and more. 

Through cooperative, the organization whose members voluntarily unite to achieve common interests in the economic, social and cultural fields, through a jointly owned and democratically controlled body.

The value in the cooperatives are based on the values of self-reliance, self-responsibility, democracy, equality or justice,  loyalty and unity. In line with the tradition of the movement’s founders, cooperative members embrace ethical values, including honesty, trust, transparency, social responsibility and concern for others.

Principles : 
FIRST PRINCIPLE: Voluntary and Open Membership
A cooperative is a voluntary organization that is open to all people who can use its services and who are ready to accept the responsibility of membership without discrimination of gender, social class, race, politics or religion.

SECOND PRINCIPLE: Democratic Control by Members
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members who actively participate in policy-making and decision-making. The men and women who serve as elected representatives are accountable to all members. In the Basic Cooperative, its members have the same voting rights (ie one member one vote) and the cooperatives at other levels are organized democratically.

THIRD PRINCIPLE: Economic Involvement By Members
Each member contributes capital equitably and controls the capital of the cooperative democratically. At least part of the capital becomes the common property of the cooperative. In general, members who contribute capital as a condition of membership will receive limited returns, if any. The members will divide the surplus or profit for the following purposes: advancing their cooperative may be through reserves, part of which cannot be distributed to the members; benefit members in proportion to their transactions with the cooperative and assist other activities agreed by the membership.

FOURTH PRINCIPLE: Autonomy and Freedom
A cooperative is an autonomous and independent organization controlled by its members. If the cooperative makes an agreement with other organizations including the government or receives capital from outside sources, then it must preserve the principle of democratic control by the membership while maintaining the autonomy of the cooperative.

FIFTH PRINCIPLE: Education, Training and Information
Cooperatives provide education and training for their members, elected representatives, managers and staff so that they can effectively contribute to the development of their cooperative. Cooperatives provide information to the general public, especially to teenagers and community leaders.

SIXTH PRINCIPLE: Cooperation among cooperatives
Cooperatives serve their members in the most effective way and they strengthen the Cooperative Movement if they work together with other cooperative structures, local, national, regional and international.

SEVENTH PRINCIPLE: Caring for the Community
The cooperative strives to obtain sustainable development for its community through policies agreed by its member

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